The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick “Person of the Year” Recognition Award is presented annually to a person who has demonstrated exemplary leadership in the greater New Bedford community by fostering significant improvement in areas such as cultural achievement, education, civic responsibility and service to others. A “Member of the Year” Recognition Award is also presented annually to a member who has gone ‘above and beyond’ to benefit the club. The board of directors will announce information regarding nominations for these awards, both of which are recognized at the annual dinner/dance in March.
A major focus of the club is to provide merit based educational assistance. The last 30+ years has seen the club provide over 200 scholarships to students from 10 area high schools attending 43 different institutions of higher learning. We receive close to 200 applications each year for these grants, which are funded both through various club events throughout the year and donations submitted to the club in the form of memorial gifts. Scholarships are awarded in several categories: general grant ($1000), Irish heritage essay ($2000) and Irish lottery grant ($1000). Further information and applications are available through New Bedford area high school guidance offices after Feb 1st of each year, as well as our Scholarships page.
Food Drive
Canned goods are accepted year round and are distributed to local charities periodically. A major food drive is held each meeting prior to Thanksgiving. Funds and goods from this drive have provided hundreds of turkey dinners to local need every year. Members are asked to contribute canned goods, funds and/or a few hours of time to help with logistics, as needed.
Toy Drive
Toy donations are gathered annually before Christmas and distributed to local charities. Contact the club for details.